The First International Environment Forum for Basin Organizations continued discussions under its Technical Segment on Thursday.
In the morning, panels and open discussions took place on the theme of laws and regulations. The first panel of the morning presented perspectives on water law and the environment, with speakers addressing: the evolution and “greening” of international water law; Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and biodiversity conservation; the role of basin organizations in wetlands conservation; and adapting water laws to a world of water scarcity. The second panel of the morning discussed the application of environmental principles in freshwater governance, with particular reference to the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Water Convention, management of the Dniester Basin shared by Ukraine and Moldova, management of hazardous waste under the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm Conventions, and the role of basin organizations in implementing the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).
In the afternoon, speakers presented on the theme of institutional challenges. The first panel of the afternoon discussed basin organizations and international environmental governance, while the second panel considered challenges and opportunities for driving sustainable development through cooperation in the context of basin organizations.
Elizabeth Mrema, Director of the Division of Environmental Law and Conventions, UNEP, and Jean-François Donzier, Permanent Technical Secretary of the International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO), delivered closing remarks at the end of the Technical Segment. Mrema summarized key themes that had emerged from the two days of discussions. She noted that participants had converged around the importance of freshwater governance, recognizing that, “Water is a resource that knows no boundaries.” She acknowledged participants’ call for reinforcing cooperation among riparian states and all relevant stakeholders at the international, regional, national and local levels. Donzier emphasized that the situation of river basins necessitates global cooperation, and highlighted a message to the next day’s High-Level Segment that, “Nothing is possible without strong political goodwill.”
Theme 3 – Laws and Regulations
Theme 4 – Institutional Challenges
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