Welcome to Focus Global Reporter
FOCUS GLOBAL REPORTER is a monthly online journal of news and views. It cater to the wide-ranging interests of our valuable readers by providing them crispy brief summaries of the leading news/views about India and the world along with in-depth analytical articles on current topics encompassing Indian as well as global perspectives. It carries wide variety of topics useful for the vast array of netizens who have penchant for news and views. The vividness in content and analysis has been the USP of this magazine which draws on the literary genius and vast reservoir of experience of the experts in different fields.
FOCUS GLOBAL REPORTER has been launched with a broad objective to encompass a vast assortment of subjects like national and international news & views, sustainable development, sustainable development goals (SDGs) recently adopted by the UN General Assembly, climate change, water, energy and food security, astrology, health, environment, sports, public sector – private sector; money and banking, familial and social issues, public grievances, defence, foreign policy, diplomacy, peace and conflict management, disarmament and nuclear issues, weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), development etc. This magazine intends to serve as a link between the audience and the policy-makers. It is a platform for the people to air their grievances to elicit the attention of the policy-makers for the redress of those grievances. It also affords an opportunity to feel the pulse of the public and respond accordingly.
* This magazine is published by India Water Foundation.