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Free Water- Free Food- Free Electricity: What Next?

A broken pipe that leaks water in all directions.

These factors help address the external impacts of water usage comprehensively. But we do not live in an ideal world. So even if we price the process involved people are going to value it because they will be paying for it regardless of the amount. In a city like Delhi why do we need to give free water and electricity? Shouldn’t providing a water connection to those who do not have it, building schools, having more teachers, increasing public hospitals, shelters for the homeless needs to be prioritized? The situation we are witnessing in Delhi, not long time back was the same in Rajasthan. People there made tankas and locked them because they understood the value of water, Why is the Delhi Jal Board from a profit of Rs. 600 crore has gone to a loss of Rs. 73,000 crore. 40% of the water is wasted due to leaking pipelines and theft of water in unauthorised colonies.

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