The water community plays a central role in nature conservation efforts.
On the occasion of the World Conservation Congress, which brings together world leaders, the World Water Council (WWC), the International Office for Water (IOWater), The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and the International Network of Basin Organizations (INBO), officially launched a call for the signing of the declaration “No water security without ecological security / No ecological security without water security”, on Saturday, September 4th, in Marseille.
This initiative, led by the World Water Council and its partners, aims to put water at the centre of nature conservation efforts.
The declaration calls for an enhanced dialogue between the water and conservation communities.
“There is a new emerging obligation to share water between people and nature. This initiative will help us meet the demands of human development and at the same time respect nature, while maintaining biodiversity and protecting ecosystems,” says Loïc Fauchon, President of the World Water Council.
“This initiative aims to encourage public policies that better integrate water management and biodiversity conservation, and also to deploy Nature-based Solutions more widely,” adds Eric Tardieu, INBO Secretary General.
This historic declaration mentions 7 strong commitments for which each signatory organisation commits to work for “a better integration of ecosystems and biodiversity in the activities of the water sector”.
They will work to develop and promote integrated projects and appropriate public policies at global, national, local and river and lake basin levels.

In a second phase, the declaration will be accompanied by concrete actions that will be presented at the 9th World Water Forum in Dakar, Senegal, from 21 to 26 March 2022.
If you wish to sign the declaration, please contact us at wwc@worldwatercouncil.org
Source: WWC News-Special Edition, World Conservation Congress 2021