Dr. Arvind Kumar*
Metaphorically, the UN may well be “First among Equals”,its successes are indeed young relative to the colossal challenges of global governance that we confront. In an imperfect world; however,UNGA presented, in miniature, the world that may emerge in the future and demonstrated to us where one should stand right now.

The idea of the UN emerged over the philosophy of the fundamental role of preserving peace and security for a stable and peaceful international community. The UN was established as a global organization following the scourges of the Second World War, primarily to “maintain international peace and security” by taking “effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace” as defined in the text of the UN Charter. Though the Security Council is the principal organ responsible for maintaining international peace and security, the UN General Assembly wields a great influence on a wide spectrum of matters bearing on international peace. The influence emerges from the fact that it represents all the member states as well as it is the main policy-making organ of the United Nations (UN).
The world is constantly evolving – with all its complexities, hopes, aspirations, and fears, but unable to embrace new realities- was in evidence in the External Affairs Minister’s (EAM) current 11-day whirlwind diplomacy and participation in the High Level Week at the 77thsession of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA), which opened on September 13.

With geopolitical tensions in play, Russia was clearly in the dock for its invasion of Ukraine; although Ukraine and its allies performed well. Key world leaders groped in the dark for an ideal world order, wherein it began with a firm majority providing President Volodymyr Zelensky with a derogation to make a video address, overriding the norm that leaders speak in person.
The Western world steered by United States President Joe Biden was present in full attendance to make its reason valid that Russia had “shamelessly” violated the UN Charter, disregarded international law, and undermined world order.
The concerns at UNGA were more than about Ukraine alone. Its theme seeks “A Watershed Moment: Transformative Solutions to Interlocking Challenges” wherein priorities shift to food, fuel, and debt crisis, the fate of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), health, and inflation, bringing forward the weak global scenario on several fronts.
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres used the catastrophe floods in Pakistan as a cause of célèbre to highlight the consequences of the climate crisis. Biden stated Pakistan’s disaster as an example of the “human cost of climate change”
India’s call for structural overhaul of Security Council to foster trust and leadership across the world was supported by US who stirred hope of breaking the ice afflicting such efforts. China’s unabashed use of the Veto power against India continues at the UN. Its control of multilateral organizations is only increasing- most recently seen in the UN Official where China exerted pressure on the former UN’s Human Rights Chief Michelle Bachelet to stop the release of a report talking over the conditions of Uighur in China.

However, India’s participation at the event was not steered by its best diplomatic strength- PM Narendra Modi, but his representative EAM S. Jaishankar maintained a punishing pace, engaging multiple counterparts in multiple formats. His vivid call for a ‘Reformed Multilateralism’ through institutional accountability and a wider representation of the developing nations indicated that India is desirous of a better place in an evolving global order and eager to contribute constructively.
Except for plenary speeches, the side events of civil society and businesses that engage with leaders have taken centre stage in a largely symbolic UNGA. Although, its key role in consolidating attitudes on several global issues cannot be discarded.
Despite its well-known snags, UNGA remains resilient as a multilateral forum with no comparison. The blooming “mini-lateral” and “plurilateral” groupings are creative coalitions that have their utility; although they lack the legitimacy that the inclusive UN Forum confers in tackling global challenges.
Metaphorically, the UN may well be “First among Equals”,its successes are indeed young relative to the colossal challenges of global governance that we confront. In an imperfect world; however, UNGA presented, in miniature, the world that may emerge in the future and demonstrated to us where one should stand right now. Amidst growing frustration with the extant multilateral order, the UNGA may have been a dress rehearsal for what may eventually emerge. At a time when the UN is seized of envisaging reforms in the world body, enlargement of the permanent members of the UN Security Council is direly needed to translate the resolutions of the UNGA into effective implementation and attain the objectives enshrined in the UN Charter.
*Editor, Focus Global Reporter