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Avoid Electronic Pollution

Avoid Electronic Pollution

By Dr Arvind Kumar

Electronic pollution is an invisible pollution that surrounds us all the time and interrupts our bodies’ natural flow of energy. Electronic pollution can neither be seen nor smelt and hence is more dangerous. As such its effects are hard to determine, yet logic alone should be enough to assess its potential hazards. The burgeoning number of electromagnetic signals all around us emanating from various electronic gadgets poses serious threat to our health. According to some exprts, electronic pollution has reached the point of toxicity, causing fatigue, irritability, weakness, and even illness.
The air is also saturated with emissions from millions of new mobile phones, radio, television, and satellite broadcasts. The number of stations and channels is growing by
the day. Then add to this, signal from TV remote controls, microwave ovens, as well as computer games, faxes, photo copiers, scanners, and printers, and we have an environment that is already overloaded with electronic emissions. Studies on health effects of electromagnetic radiations indicate that:

Ø Symptoms such as asthma can occur within a period of two weeks for continuous nighttime exposure while a human infant is sleeping.

Ø Exposure may be associated with Alzheimer’s disease, ALS, heart disease, miscarriage, birth defects, infertility, mood disturbances such as depression, and quality of sleep.

Ø Of particular concern is the link between EMFs and cancer, especially brain tumors in cell phone users.

Ø Electronic pollution poses particular dangers for children.

Recognizing that some exposure to electronic pollution cannot be avoided but there is need to exercise restraint in the use of electronic gadgetry.

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