1.0 Introduction:
The recent status and trend of democratic setup in India has not appeared supportive to the social needs. Corruption is engulfing the individual social life from top to bottom level in most of the organizations, as reported in media. It includes the democratic leaders too. With the high price rise in essential commodities, it becomes a serious problem of survival for the lower income group of people. Even it pinches the middle income group of people also. The people surcharge for implementation of Jana Lokpal bill under the leadership of social activist Anna Hazere for eradication of corruption from social life, including top level bureaucracy and democratic leadership.
It may be a short tem measure. But for long term measure, a concept of Social Engineering and Integrated IT (SEIIT) has been developed. The nomenclature to this has been given as Karmashram. The concept has been elaborated below.
Karmashram is a concept of integrated education, work and services. It is derived by culminating two Sanskrit words “Karmah“and “Ashramah”. It is based on again another two fundamental concepts – material and spiritual. It has its unique concept of social reform and social revolution. Aims and objectives are formulated accordingly. It is true that sociology has its long past history since stoneage onwards, people started Learning And Working (LAW) for their livelihood.
It is the instinct of its own. Even LAW starts by human being from the day of his/her birth. Learning by visual, by hearing and by touching are three basic tools of human being. Before formal education of this day, Gurukul education started. The Gurukul environment was know as Ashram, the Holy-home of Guru and pupils.
The integrated basic education, works and services began at that time itself. The concept of “Learning working and earning – knowledge and economy” was perhaps the objective of the entire Gurukul curriculum. Education for works and education for life for pupils began simultaneously under the guidance of Guru. Karma, the work is referred to material part, while Ashram is referred to the spiritual part of life to live with peace and tranquility.
A noble thought in the form of Karmashram, has been conceived as a working modality to develop a centre of Excellence for all forms of Work to filter out the human evil thoughts and social noises available in the form of corruption. Group Relay Working Network (GRWN) with Transparent Mode of Transaction (TMT) will be the actual working modality and will act as Social Filter (SF) to filter our social noises. Yoga will be remaining attached with every sector to look into the physical and mental health of every individual as a preventative maintenance tool for filtering out the social noises. Yoga will also works as Individual Filter (IF) for human race.
Engineering concept for Infrastructure development, Industry, Instrumentation, Communication (Telecom and Satellite com), Computer Engineering, Agriculture and Medical sectors are well-known to every one. But Social Engineering and Integrated IT (SEIIT) is an emerging concept that has been conceived with the Knowledge Base Society (KBS). Social Structure and Social behavior have its strong scientific base. Sociology has already emerged as Social Science (SSc) in the Educational curriculum.
The necessity of concept of Karmashram as Social Engineering and Integrated IT (SEIIT) is felt essential with the advent of modern social status as of now. It will be a new additional concept in Sociology and Social Science. It is likely to be most relevant with the advent of modern IT and knowledge in the society to look forward in meeting its needs.
Understanding inherent broad spectrum of Sociology in the form of pure Social Science and applied Social Science with professional outlook, the concept of SEIIT has been developed and we try to explain it. Concept of engineering rests upon the art of living to create one’s livelihood without hampering the livelihood of others. The engineering design and planning for a working modality aims at filtering out the evil works, corruption and corrupt practices that are engulfing the society in this modern IT age. The social structure and social behavior have been duly considered here, where civilization of human race is seen having achieved highest level in the form of science, arts, commerce, professional and managerial sectors.
Economics and political Science are two important social institutions of sociology governed by democracy and democratic instititions at the highest national level. Potential use of SEIIT is looking forward through all these aspect, because the social engineering concept for integration of all form of knowledge for sustainable development cannot be ignored in this IT age of society.
This write up explains the aims and objectives, different concepts and thoughts, working modality, methodology, solutions etc for Karmashram and SEIIT.
2.0 Meaning of Karmshram:
Karmashram is a composite Sanskrit word derived from two other Sanskrit words. Karma means Work and Ashram means Gurukul, the holy-home of guru and pupils. The concept of Karmashram has been developed considering spirit of educational system in Gurukul platform. During that period, the learning for working was undertaken under the guidance of Guru.
The meaning of karmashram can also be thought of as warehouse of works of Excellence in this biospheric envelope of this planet Earth. The creation of Earth by explosion and collision of asteroids is known now. The present form of biospheric envelope is the culmination of evolutionary works, where life systems are available. It is the noblest example of warehouse of works (Karmashram).
The lively body of human race is another example of warehouse of works i.e Karmashram. The embedded works include blood circulation, creation of mind and soul (Atma). Prana karma, Atma Karma and Paramatma karma are well defined in spiritual literature for complete management of mind.
3.0 Aspects of karmashram:
Karmashram is a way life with simple livelihood with high moral thinking. It is developed on scientific basis, by considering both the material and spiritual aspects. The concept of basic education (Buniyadi siksha) in every field related to society has been considered to engineer the social bonding with professional working outlook. It is the need of the day for every individual so that he can look forward to his/her social life with wisdom and devotion. Both material and spiritual aspects are equally important in this respect. To explore feasibilities for Providing Urban Amenities in Rural Areas (PURA) as an integrated platform for sustainable allround development has been conceived in Karmasharm concept.
3.1 Material aspect:
It is essential to develop infrastructure facilities to generate Work of Excellence by utilizing local resources ( physical and human) to provide on Entrepreneurship Education for unemployed youth in various fields of his/her interest. It may be for agriculture, agriculture-related and non-agriculture sectors.
To develop a “Learning Working Earning – Knowledge and Economy” environment for all-round development, both in rural and urban area, so that the economic theory of rotation can be implemented for the up-lift of both knowledge and economy to every individual of the community.
To implement the concept of “Learning (Education) ought to be from School (Academy) to Working fields” in educational system. Learning alone will no do, until one starts working. Working in the fields only helps in generating knowledge and economy. Both are complementary to each other and essential to uplift one’s utmost noble desire in his/her life. It is the building block of social engineering concept embedded in Karmashram.
3.2. Spiritual aspect to filter out the evil thought of individual: Individual Filter (IF):
Yoga will provide proper healthcare – physical through exercise (Asana) and mental through pranayama. It acts as Individual Filter (IF) and is required for every individual to filter out his/her the evil thoughts.
Availability of information alone will not serve the purpose. One has to understand it. Understanding alone will not work. One has to begin with the work after understanding it. Simple work alone will not serve the purpose. By feedback mechanism, errors are to be removed to generate work of Excellence. It also acts as Individual Filter (IF).
3.3 Social Filter (SF):
To develop democratic setup with good governance for sustainable all-round development of the society, it is essential to filter out the social noises observed in the form of corruption, hostility, extremism etc. Group Relay Working Net work (GRWN) will provide better solutions through Transparent Mode of Transaction (TMT). The GRWN and TMT will works as two SFs and it will boost up the SEIIT. In addition to it, monitoring unit has been set up to keep vigil on all aspects.
3.4 Relationship among Work, Energy and God:
Work is equivalent to Energy. It is well proved material aspect in physics (science). Energy is supreme power in this material world. Energy cannot be seen by eye, tasted by tongue or catched by hand but can only be visualized through transformation of energy producing works. It is infinitely wide beyond human imagination.
A work of Excellence is generated only through noble thoughts of mind. A disturbed mind cannot generate good work. Mind is regulated by various factors and can only be controlled through worship of God, the supreme power for controlling of mind. It is the spiritual aspect and control of mind is required to generate work of Excellence. Dynamic concept of God also says that God (Ishwar, Allah etc what ever form may be) is vast, infinite, and so on. Thus the concept of both Energy and God are equally important and essential requirements of life to undertake noble works in this planet Earth.
Gandhi said: “Truth is the concept of God.” It is difficult to understand and explain truth. But the understanding of both material and spiritual concepts brings the idea of truth within its much closed neighborhood.
3.5 Mission Karmashram:
It is a mission mode work to be undertaken in various time frames. Convergence of Technology, Convergence of processing, Convergence of Communication, Convergence of Knowledge & Education though Convergence of work of Excellence looking for a paradigm shift in social life, thinking, status and economy is the motto of mission Karmashram.
The social engineering concept and Integrated IT has been developed to integrate education, works and services through mutual co-operation and understanding based on Group Relay working Net-work (GRWN) and Work of Excellence (WoE). The aim is to eradicate corruptions, evils thoughts from the mind and to sustain peace & tranquility in the community irrespective of Hindu, Muslim, Christan, and caste, creed & community etc.
Agriculture and agriculture-related work is given preference. Concept of sponsorship by every service holder/business man to every farmer will be initiated to promote agriculture activities and status to the farmer. Awareness programme will be generated through workers and business men in non-agriculture sectors too for the importance of development of agriculture sector and food productions.
3.6 Concept of Karmashram:
The basic concept of Karmashram is developed based on Work of Excellence, Unity in Diversity, Education in general and IT-based education, Business & Transparent Business Transaction, Karmashram for Bharat Nirman(KBN) leading to Karmashram Global Nirman (KGN).
In this present IT environment, a society with global village concept and various works engulfing around, it becomes necessity to short out the priority list of activities. It becomes essential also to look forward about environmental issues degrading the social values and ecological balance of the natural Environment. Nurture nature for our future etc, ought to be concepts of working environment.
The distinction and priority of works in the form of agriculture, agriculture–related and non-agriculture are the need of hour. Gurukul concept of education has become necessary to cover up every facet of work to incorporate in the present form of modern educational system. Entire educational system requires reformation and paradigm shift to embed the learning process for the field of one’s interest from the school days to higher level. The present form of educational system ought to incorporate the value-based education through buniyadi nirman for all from of works in the locality utilizing the local physical resources and human resources
3.7 Unity in diversity and the Work of Excellence:
Creation of this planet Earth and Evolution of life on it is an excellent work of nature and it is to be maintained for its sustainability. Work of Excellence will only be recognized in this planet earth. This is one of the forms of material work which constitutes the Material World. The sustainability of material world is based on human activities, which are practiced by individual. Material work is a form of karma, which is undertaken by human race to achieve something he wants. The work undertaken by him is remained confined with his benefit of result only. It is the creator of corruption.
The other form of work is embedded within life system. Blood circulation of life is the excellent work, keeping its survival and enabling one to work hard. It is a form of Kartabya or duty that a body is used to whether it achieved something or not. Motivation, innovation, dedication, wisdom etc are associated with life. This form of work may be termed as spiritual work. It is based on concept of every individual and called Spiritual World or Conceptual World. The sustainability of Conceptual world is based on Yoga and it is practiced by individual.For transformation of Kamya karma to Kartabya karma, purification of mid and practice of Yoga is essential.
Unity in diversity is an unique example that is observed in this planet earth. The co-existence of natural environment of the unique biosphere of the planet Earth has not so far been observed elsewhere in this solar planetary system. It is natural growth and will take care by nature automatically. It is a form of Kartabya karma.
The various works undertaken by human race, comprising agriculture, education, small business, teaching, culture activities etc. become unavoidable components for all round development in a particular area. The rural areas are still remaining undeveloped in these aspects. Facilities in terms of basic amenities like food, water, light, road, transport, education and healthcare etc are essential factors so that a good working environment is generated at remote location also to maintain echo-friendly relations between rural and urban areas. It is a form of Kamya karma. It can be converted into Krtabya karma, if one does work, not for his benefit alone. For this purpose purity of mind is essential.
The concept of Kartbya karma (the duty-full work) and the Kamya karma (result-oriented) are to be explored in the real terms to avoid confusion, ill feeling and filtering out of corruption from the mind. The Transparent Mode of Transaction (TMT) will be the filter to root out the evil thoughts of mind and corruptions in the process of undertaking.
3.8 Karmashram – IT-based education with sharing of knowledge:
Learning, working and earning- knowledge and economy, are the four the fundamental/ basic factors for civilization. Education provides the fundamental driving force of life. Knowledge plays dominant role in this respect. Working knowledge makes him perfect in the field his interest. By working in the field only generates economy. Economy provides further enhancement of the quality education and knowledge. Thus the enhancement of knowledge and economy only, improves the living standard of individual as well as community/society as a whole.
To appraise this fact, the education with practical working knowledge in the field of interest is mandatory for youth and adults. Accordingly, the changes in present educational system are required and it is ought to be application oriented in all levels of education like primary, Secondary and High Education, Technical Education, Computer Education, Physical education, Social education including Entrepreneurship education in Agriculture and Non-Agriculture sectors.
3.9 Karmashram – Financial Management concept with sharing of economy:
Karmashram Financial Management concept is another unique concept with sharing of knowledge and economy. The Credit Society formed under Karmashram contributes to self-sharing and contributory financial body. For financial assistant the various works to be under taken on project mode. The profits are given to the share holders. The interesting mater is that one is eligible for getting double financial benefit, one for investment and other for his work undertaken. Project mode of works to be undertaken, comprises various works related to social welfare, education improvement, awareness program for disaster management, to Cultural Centre, Language learning Centre, Heathcare, yoga Centre etc. Government grants for various sectors and schemes, Sponsorship from national/International Organizations for various programs would be considered for utilization of various programmes.
3.10 Transparent Business Transaction concept:
Each field of work is actually a form of micro business. Different fields of works in combination generate a composite business with transactions among these. The transactions are required to be transparent so that any form of corrupt practice is eliminated. Such transparent business transaction becomes sustainable for long term solution and poverty alleviation, as nothing is there to be misunderstood. Concept of Karmashram provides such type of working environment to eradicate the evil works of the Society.
3.11 Democratic Setup :
Karmashram concept is developed with true internal democratic concept. A group of workers with various fields’ experiences, experts, managers, leaders and democratic leaders will provide good governance with GRWN in transparent mode of transaction, where corruption will be checked and halted in every step of transaction for providing sustainable management.
3.12 Karmashram Bharat Nirman concept leads to Global Nirman:
The word Nirman has been considered here as development. The Global development rests upon the development of each country. Concept of ‘developed country’ again depends upon the development of each state. Likewise, developed state leads to development of each district, each local area, the village down up to the individual member of each family. Each individual is said to be called developed if he is developed in knowledge as well as in economy. Thus, the Bharat Nirman concept leading to Global Nirman is based upon the works of Excellence of in individual capacity.
For sustainable development, the issues may be of economic, social, political, scientific, professional, and commercial in nature. But the management has to maintain transparency and link with each other through awareness programme. The educational restructuring will be essential to provide application-oriented education through, school, college, university, and institute, so that one has to come out with confidence for undertaking works in his field of interest. Desite the investment of the valuable years in the young age between 16 to 26 years, by every individual for obtaining conventional educational certificate from college, universities for undertaking degree, material degree or higher degree, has not been able to generate proper yield for him.
Reform in the educational system becomes essential. For sustainable growth in socio-economic sector, the identification of works in the form of agriculture, agriculture-related and non-agriculture, becomes essential for application oriented education, the priority and respect has to be given in agriculture sector and those who are undertaking agriculture and agriculture related works. It is because food production is the fundamental work of human race for survival and agriculture sector appears to be neglected/ignored compared to non-agricultural sector.
4.0 Social Engineering and Integrated IT (SEIIT)
The Social Engineering and Integrated IT (SEIIT) concept has to be developed in this educational system, providing technology, tools, skills and mental status to work in group or alone if necessity arises. The educational system should have the capacity to provide the buniyad for all-round sustainable development in the locality. Under such environment, one will be inspired to work through out his/her life to explore his/her concept in the field of interest through a common platform available in locality.
The works may be defined in the form of agriculture, agriculture–related and non-agriculture. Priority and respect to the agriculture sector has to be given by all sections of peoples working in other fields. It is because; the crop is the need of hour for survival of life physically. The cultural activity, fine arts, mother language learning process, yoga etc have to be remained embedded in the educational system. It is essential so that learner does not feel inadequacy in the learning process.
After completion of the education period, one should not find difficulties in his/her working life for survival and establishment in the society. The learning process ought to remain open providing the skills of harnessing the local available physical and human resources. It will help the elderly persons to explore their experiences for providing new building block of the Centre of Excellence in the society. It will provide a boost of the socio-economic status of the society.
Thus knowledge and socio-economic-based education system will engineer the minds of every child, young and older generation living in the locality. The social engineering process will grow with transparency and without ill feeling. It will provide start of beginning of filtering out the social corruption so far embedded. The concept of social engineering through Karmashram has been developed based on Integrated Education, Works and Services (IEWS), providing solution of life.
For sustainable all-round development of an area, the concept of SEIIT will play pivotal role. Sustainable development includes all form of works to be undertaken in our day to day life, and is based on knowledge, education, economy, transparency, technology and democracy and GRWN. The educational and working infrastructure will be made available for the sustainable use of available resources with available local human resources. It will provide progress with development in the locality without disturbing ecological balance. It will enrich local socio-economy, knowledge of local physical resource for sustainable utilization. It generates local workers, experts, managers, leaders of the works undertaken and democratic leader with filtered mind to work for the welfare of the community, society, state, nation and at global level.
5.0 Primary Wings of Karmaranyam Institue of Social Engineering:
Basically, there will be three major wings of Karmashram in term, of Academy, Entrepreneurship and Services. However few more classifications are shown bellow with a view to keep more wings in the near future:
- Karmashram Academy/School/Institute.
- Karmashram Integrated Technology Solutions and services.
- Karmashram Information and Communication Technology.
- Karmashram Centre for Agriculture, Horticulture, Fishery and Animal Husbandry development
- Karmashram Centre for Craftsmanship and Entrepreneurship development
- Karmashram Centre for Yoga and Health Care.
- Karmashram Centre for Innovation, Research and Development.
- Karmashram Centre for Cultural Development and Fine Arts.
- Karmashram Centre for career Development, Social Services and Social Justice.
- Karmashram Centre for Language Learning and Leadership Generation.
- Karmashram Centre for of Security Solutions of all kinds
- Karmashram Centre for Child Development and Women Empowerment
- Karmashram Centre for monitoring works
- Karmashram Centre for Weather, Environment and Disaster Management
- Karmashram Centre for Literature and publication
- Karmashram Centre for Financial management
- Karmashram Centre for Transport and Tourism
- Karmashram Centre for Media and publications
- Karmashram Centre for Common Services
6.0 Karmashram Solution for all forms of works:
Karmashram is generating an excellent work culture, by filtering out the noises in various working fields. The worker is well satisfied and dedicated for his job. It is an integrated platform where various, workers experts, managers will be available. It will be sufficient enough to provide a solution for all problems encountered while undertaking any job. Following categories of solutions have been classified:
- Karmashram Solution (KS): for individual level by sharing of knowledge and economy.
- Integrated KS (IKS): LAN concept: It is knowledge and Economy sharing device for better result for working in groups in the area, like block/district level. It generates a Group Relay Working Network (GRWN) for speedy all- round development for the area.
- IKS and GRWN: WAN concept: It provides improved quality and services within a wider area coverage, like state level.
- Extended WAN concept: State to state level or national level
- Super Extended WAN concept: National to international level
7.0 Conclusion:
7.1 Karmashram is a process of social reform through worked culture to eradicate social noises available in the form of corruption, extreme works, evil thoughts, exploitation etc through work of Excellence.
7.2 The concept of Social engineering and Integrated IT has been developed to provide works for livelihood through his/her field of interest, accept changes and act accordingly.
7.3 The Educational curriculum has been developed to explore the skills of individual through available local resources .Education ought to be from school to working field.
7.3 It is developed on scientific basis, considering both the material and spiritual aspects. The basic concept of basic education (Buniyadi siksha) in every sector is the need of the day for every individual and is required for implementation in his/her day-to-day life. It can only be acquired through practical working knowledge with wisdom and devotion. Both material and spiritual aspects are equally important in this respect to explore feasibilities for Providing Urban Amenities in Rural Areas (PURA) as an integrated platform and implement a concept of SEIIT and true Democracy.
7.4 The social engineering and Integrated IT is a common platform for integrated Education, works and services through mutual co-operation and understanding based on Group Relay working Net-work (GRWN) and Work of Excellence.
7.5 Knowledge is power – the supreme power.
7.6 Work, Energy and God are equivalent and are within your working environment.
7.7 It is difficult to explain religion in real sense. However, meaning of Dharma can be clearly explained and it is the property of matter. Every element available on this planet earth has its own property and is excising with it (Dhree—Dharan). All life system including human being has also been conceiving their quality in the society. The human race is surviving for his/her works for livelihood only. It is his/her religion (Dharma)
Karmahi Paramong Dharma; (Work is only noble Religion);
Karma Rahit Jiban Adhuram Asaram Saa. (Without work, life is incomplete and futile).
7.8 Availability of information alone will not serve the purpose. One has to understand it. Understanding alone will not work. One has to begin with the work after understanding it. Simple work alone will not serve the purpose. By feedback mechanism, errors are to be filtered out to generate work of Excellence.