One more feather in the cap of #IndiaWaterFoundation by being accredited with the #observerstatus with #UNFCCC at the Conference of the Parties at its twenty-fourth session #COP24 at Katowice, Poland. On the accreditation #DrArvindKumar President IWF paid his gratitude to UNFCCC and said “The observer status enables us to contribute in a tangible manner to UNFCCC processes and be part of the future sessions”.
With IWF president Dr. Arvind Kumar’s election as Governor of World Water Council and UNFCCC observer status makes this special year ending on a sweeter note.
This is a matter of great pride and becomes all the more important for India Water Foundation because in the aftermath of water acquiring more explicit role within UNFCCC institutional mechanisms and processes, the increasing emphasis on water’s role in the ongoing process of climate change entails the potential of reaping good dividends. This new perspective is fast attracting the attention of almost all countries which are signatories to the #ParisAgreementClimateChange and consequently civil society organizations (CSOs) and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are also responding accordingly. Besides, this has also become an integral part of the discourse on sustainable development as represented by 2030 Agenda and #SustainableDevelopmentGoals SDGs).