International Volunteer Day
This day hopes to heighten people’s and governments’ awareness of the voluntary contributions. It also focuses on stimulating people to offer their services as volunteers, both at home and abroad. Over the years, governments, businesses, nonprofit organizations, and individuals contribute the International Volunteer Day through various activities including:
- v Voluntary community projects.
- v Parades, marches, or rallies.
- v Award ceremonies for volunteers who made significant contributions to their communities.
- v “Time donation” campaigns that involve people pledging hours of voluntary service to specific projects.
- v Companies launching voluntary programs as part of their corporate responsibility.
- v Volunteer competitions.
- v Activities and events for the day help promote the impact of volunteering and the UN’s Millennium Development Goals, via volunteering to:
- v Help eradicate poverty.
- v Achieve universal primary education.
- v Promote gender equality and empower women.
- v Reduce child mortality and to improve maternal health.
- v Reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS, malaria and other major diseases.
- v Help ensure environmental sustainability.
This day affords volunteers a chance to work together on projects and campaigns promoting their contributions to economic and social development at local, national and international levels. As a result of the resolution A/RES/40/212 adopted by UN General Assembly on 17 December 1985, the governments world over, the UN, and civil society organizations work together with volunteers around the world to promote economic and social development.