Spread Message of Love
By Dr Arvind Kumar
25 December is celebrated as the holy day of Christmas to commemorate the day when Jesus Christ was born, as a tiny baby to restore the friendship between God and humanity, and to bring hope and joy and love to the world. Christmas is more than a charming story. It is, should be, a life-changing experience as well as a celebration. Yet in much of Christian World today there is a growing crave for materialistic possessions and the ideals of Christianity – love and compassion – are being replaced by Epicurean notions of eating, drinking and merry-making. Eating and drinking and making merry are fine, of course, but Christmas is a time to persuade people to part with more money for the poor and neglected segments of the society. Santa Claus (Father Christmas) has been hijacked as a super-salesperson for aggressive marketing. Instead of reverent, melodious Christmas carols, the air is filled with the sound of tinkling Muzak with cringe-making lyrics, all urging people to eat drink and be merry.
Christianity, built upon the principles of Judaism, set the moral rules for modern society, notions of equality before the law, equal rights and obligations, as well as the great hope of eternal life after one had lived a good and fulfilling and God-fearing life on this earth.
Have a very Happy Christmas and spare a thought for the original meaning and precepts in order to make this world a better and safer place.